The Porcelain Throne - The Art of Squatting
Here we are, at the porcelain throne. A place to think and contemplate the woes of our daily life. A place where so many of us find the time to get our daily fix of social media and news. Often times, spending more time indulging in information than taking care of “business” itself. However, I am not here to judge how you spend your time at the great porcelain throne. I am here to dissect the movement that allows us to enjoy this sacred place. That movement is the squat.
The first step to squatting to the toilet is to square the posterior portion of your body with the toilet. This is the start position. After you have removed your pants and undergarments, you initiate the movement with a slight hip hinge or hip flexion. Once you began to hip hinge, the knee begins to flex and the ankle dorsiflexes to allow your posterior chain to descend towards the toilet. Your glutes (prime mover) contract eccentrically to allow you to take a seat on the toilet. Your knees flex (osteokinematic movement) in the sagittal plane on the frontal axis of rotation. During flexion of the knee, the femur is the moving convex surface and the proximal tibia is the concave surface. The distal portion of the femur rolls backward and glides forward (arthrokinematic movement) on the tibial surface. Once your hamstrings come in contact with the toilet, the squatting motion is complete. At this point, you enter the seated position.

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